2025-2026 Academic Catalog

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Modern Languages

Arabic Faculty

Instructor and Advisor: 

Lizz Huntley,  Ph.D, Michigan State University

Chinese Faculty

Associate Professor and Advisor

I-hao Victor Woo, PhD, Boston University

French Faculty


Adrienne Bleiler, MA, University of Colorado 

Katie Irwin Wood, MA, Middlebury  of Colorado 

German Faculty


Maggie Rosenau, PhD, University of Colorado

Latin Faculty


Mary De Forest, PhD, University of Colorado

Alan Sumler, PhD, City University of New York

Linguistics Faculty

Associate Professors:

Alyssa Martoccio, PhD, University of Illinois

I-hao Victor Woo, PhD, Boston University

Assistant Teaching Professor:

Gabriela de Robles, PhD, Georgetown University

Instructor and Advisor: 

Lizz Huntley, Ph.D, Michigan State University 

Spanish Faculty


Andrés Lema-Hincapié, PhD, Cornell University and PhD, University of Ottawa

Associate Professors:

Michael Abeyta, PhD, University of California-Davis
María Luisa Fernández Martínez, PhD, University of California, Irvine
Alyssa Martoccio, PhD, University of Illinois

Assistant Teaching Professor:

Gabriela de Robles, PhD, Georgetown University

Senior Instructor:

Amanda Ritchie, MA, University of Akron


Ileana Gross, MA, University of Georgia

Undergraduate Spanish Advisors (by student’s last name)


Amanda Ritchie 


Ileana Gross 


Alyssa Martoccio

Graduate Advisor:

Andrés Lema-Hincapié

Study Abroad Advisor:

Michael Abeyta 

Internship Director:

Andrés Lema-Hincapié

Emeritus Faculty:


Kathleen Bollard
Diane Dansereau


Linda Alcott


Tim Phillips 
Ted Wendelin 

Arabic (ARAB)

ARAB 1000 -  Introduction to Cultures of the Arabic-Speaking World  (3 Credits)  
Introduces students to the Arabicspeaking cultures of North Africa, some Asian countries, and the Gulf States, with a focus on politics, culture, economics, literature and the arts. Taught in English. Term offered: spring, fall. Max Hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Additional Information: Denver Core Requirement, Humanities.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
ARAB 1010 -  Beginning Arabic I  (5 Credits)  
Beginning course in communicative Arabic (Modern Standard and Egyptian Colloquial) designed to bring students to the novice-low / novice-mid level of proficiency. Open for students with little to no background in Arabic as well as heritage speakers. Not for native speakers. Term offered: spring, fall. Max Hours: 5 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
ARAB 1020 -  Beginning Arabic II  (5 Credits)  
Beginning course in communicative Arabic (Modern Standard and Egyptian Colloquial) designed to bring students to the novice-mid / novice-high level of proficiency. Note: This course assumes that students have passed ARAB 1010 or equivalent, or have taken one year of high school Arabic, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in ARAB 1010 is recommended for success in this course. This course is not for native speakers. Term offered: spring. Max hours: 5 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.
ARAB 2110 -  Intermediate Arabic I  (3 Credits)  
Third-semester course in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) designed for students who have had two semesters or comparable proficiency in the language. Note: This course assumes that students have passed ARAB 1020 or equivalent, or have taken two years of high school Arabic, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in ARAB 1020 is recommended for success in this course. This course is not intended for native speakers. Term offered: fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall.
ARAB 2120 -  Intermediate Arabic II  (3 Credits)  
Fourth-semester course in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) designed for students who have had three semesters or comparable proficiency in the language. Note: This course assumes that students have passed ARAB 2110 or equivalent, or have taken three years of high school Arabic, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in ARAB 2110 is recommended for success in this course. This course is not intended for native speakers. Term offered: spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.
ARAB 2840 -  Independent Study  (1-3 Credits)  
Independent study for students wishing to pursue nonoffered studies in Arabic language and culture. Department consent required. Repeatable. Max Hours: 12 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 12.
ARAB 4880 -  Directed Research  (1-6 Credits)  
Students will engage in original research projects supervised and mentored by faculty. Students must work with faculty prior to registration to develop a proposal for their project and receive permission to take this course. Repeatable. Max Hours: 6 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 6.

Chinese (CHIN)

CHIN 1000 -  China and the Chinese  (3 Credits)  
A multidisciplinary introduction to Chinese society both past and present. Prehistory, birth of imperial China, literature, philosophy, religion, nationalism, revolution, modernization, contemporary life, social structure, gender, food, family life, population policy, ethnicity, popular culture, economics and politics. Note: This course is taught in English. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits. GT: Course is approved by the Colorado Dept of Higher Education for statewide guaranteed transfer, GT-AH4.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Additional Information: Denver Core Requirement, Humanities; GT courses GT Pathways, GT-AH4, Arts Hum: Foreign Languages.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
CHIN 1010 -  Beginning Mandarin Chinese I  (5 Credits)  
Explore the basics of Mandarin Chinese in this introductory course, designed to develop essential communicative skills through a task-based curriculum. Engage in real-world exercises to build proficiency in pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading, and writing, while learning key phrases and over 300 characters. Note: Students may not enroll in any lower division (1000/2000) language skills course in which their level of proficiency exceeds that of the course. Students placing into a course through any means other than following the regular sequence must consult with an appropriate faculty member of the Dept. of Modern Languages prior to enrollment. No previous study of Chinese is required. Term Offered: Fall. Max hours: 5 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall.
CHIN 1020 -  Beginning Mandarin Chinese II  (5 Credits)  
Progress in Mandarin Chinese is the focus of this second-semester course, designed to expand upon the essential communicative skills established in CHIN 1010. Students will engage in advanced real-world exercises to further their proficiency in pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The course aims to deepen students’ knowledge of Mandarin by increasing their vocabulary, teaching them to create more complex sentences, and introducing an additional 300-400 characters. Note: This course assumes that students have passed CHIN 1010 or possess equivalent proficiency. Students placing into a course through any means other than following the regular sequence must consult with an appropriate faculty member of the Dept. of Modern Languages prior to enrollment. A grade of C- or higher in CHIN 1010 is recommended for success in this course. Term Offered: Spring. Max hours: 5 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.
CHIN 1071 -  Beginning Mandarin Chinese for International Business  (3 Credits)  
This course aim to equips students with the linguistic abilities and cultural insights necessary for engaging in business interactions with Chinese counterparts. Through structured thematic units centered around business scenarios and simulations, students will cultivate basic communication skills, understand cultural nuances, and learn business protocols. Note: Chinese 1071 cannot be taken to fulfill language requirements; nor can it be used to substitute for Chinese 1010. The class materials are primarily presented in Pinyin and no prior background in Chinese characters is required. Term Typically Offered: Fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall.
CHIN 1111 -  First Year Seminar  (3 Credits)  
Restriction: Restricted to Freshman level students. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Restriction: Restricted to Freshman level students
CHIN 2110 -  Intermediate Mandarin Chinese I  (3 Credits)  
Building on the foundation of beginning Chinese courses, this course advances the students’ abilities in practical Chinese, emphasizing active skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The curriculum balances contemporary language use with an exploration of classical Chinese, including the study of proverbs, to enrich students' cultural and linguistic understanding. This course serves as an intermediate step, following CHIN 1020, to further language proficiency in real-world contexts. Note: Students may not enroll in any lower division (1000/2000) language skills course in which their level of proficiency exceeds that of the course. Students placing into a course through any means other than following the regular sequence must consult with an appropriate faculty member of the Dept. of Modern Languages prior to enrollment. This course assumes that students have passed CHIN 1020 or equivalent, or have taken two years of high school Chinese, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in CHIN 1020 is recommended for success in this course. Term offered: fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall.
CHIN 2120 -  Intermediate Mandarin Chinese II  (3 Credits)  
CHIN 2120, the fourth-semester Chinese course, further refines the Mandarin skills homed in previous courses. It builds upon the practical knowledge of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, while integrating an appreciation for both contemporary and classical Chinese through the study of proverbs and historical texts. This course, which follows CHIN 2110, is designed to advance students' linguistic abilities in real-world contexts and deepen their cultural literacy. Note: Students may not enroll in any lower division (1000/2000) language skills course in which their level of proficiency exceeds that of the course. Students placing into a course through any means other than following the regular sequence must consult with an appropriate faculty member of the Dept. of Modern Languages prior to enrollment. Note: This course assumes that students have passed CHIN 2110 or equivalent, or have taken three years of high school Chinese, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in CHIN 2110 is recommended for success in this course. This course is not intended for native speakers. Term offered: spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.
CHIN 2840 -  Independent Study  (1-3 Credits)  
Term offered: fall, spring. Department consent required. Repeatable. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 3.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
CHIN 2939 -  Internship  (1-3 Credits)  
Experiences involving application of specific, relevant concepts and skills in supervised employment situations. Note: students must work with the Experiential Learning Center advising to complete a course contract and gain approval. Prereq: Sophomore standing. Repeatable. Max hours: 9 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 9.
Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher.
CHIN 2970 -  Contemporary Chinese Cinema  (3 Credits)  
Introduces students to Chinese cinema, one of the most powerful and often controversial modes of representing society, culture, history and politics in China. Note: Taught in English. All films have English subtitles. No previous study of Chinese language or culture is required. Term offered: spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.
CHIN 3010 -  Advanced Intermediate Chinese  (3 Credits)  
This course capitalizes on students' already acquired knowledge to further develop language skills in Mandarin Chinese. Students learn to make a transition from reading pedagogically prepared materials to more authentic ones. Note: this course assumes that students have passed CHIN 2120 or equivalent, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in CHIN 2120 is recommended for success in this course. This course is not intended for native speakers. Term offered: fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall.
CHIN 3071 -  Intermediate Mandarin Chinese for International Business  (3 Credits)  
This course is a Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) course designed for students who have completed CHIN1071 or the equivalents. The primary goal is to provide students with an opportunity to be more familiar with Chinese business operations in Chinese-speaking communities such as Mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan. The course also emphasizes the business usage and jargon in modern Chinese as well as the business-related sociocultural awareness. Through reading, discussing, and analyzing the actual cases from real foreign enterprises, students will gain in-depth knowledge about the macro and microeconomic situations in the Chinese-speaking world. Note: The class materials are primarily presented in Pinyin and no prior background in Chinese characters is required. Prereq: CHIN1071 with a C- or higher, or the equivalents. Term offered: spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq: CHIN 1071 with a C- or higher, or the equivalents.
Typically Offered: Spring.
CHIN 3130 -  Special Topics in Chinese  (3 Credits)  
Varying topics in Chinese language, literature and culture appropriate to the 3000 level, not otherwise covered by regular courses. Note: This course assumes that students have passed CHIN 2120 or equivalent, or possess equivalent language proficiency. Note: May be taken more than once, provided that the topic is different each time. Term offered: spring, fall. Repeatable. Max Hours: 9 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 9.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
CHIN 3200 -  Contemporary Chinese Society and Culture  (3 Credits)  
Provides students with an overview of the systems in modern China (such as educational, political and economical), its family and interpersonal constructs and the elements of modern China found in popular cultures. It also exposes students to rudimentary and practical use of the Chinese language. Note: This course is taught in English. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
CHIN 3300 -  Special Topics on Chinese Film  (3 Credits)  
Studies the cultural, social and historical conditions that have shaped Chinese cinema. May focus on one Chinese speaking country or more than one (including but not limited to China, Taiwan and Hong Kong). May focus on a particular period (pre-Cultural revolution, for example) or a particular theme (urban cinema or martial arts films, for example). Term offered: fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall.
CHIN 3840 -  Independent Study: CHIN  (1-3 Credits)  
Term offered: fall, spring. Department consent required. Repeatable. Max hours: 6 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 6.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
CHIN 3939 -  Internship - CHIN  (1-3 Credits)  
Department consent required. Max hours: 9 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 9.
CHIN 3995 -  Global Study Topics  (3 Credits)  
This course is reserved for CU Denver faculty-led study abroad experiences. The course topic will vary based on the location and course content. Students register through the Office of Global Education. Term offered: summer. Max Hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Summer.
CHIN 4002 -  Race, Gender and Religious Nationalisms in Asia and the US  (3 Credits)  
This course investigates ideologies and practices of race, caste, ethnicity, and gender at the foundations of several contemporary religious nationalist movements in Asia and the US. The course focuses first on the ways that religious ideologies and practices of gender help to define and police the borders of race, caste, and ethnicity as social identities. We will examine how these ideologies emerge in religious texts and how they have been challenged in literature and practice, both historically and in the modern era, while privileging the works, voices, and perspectives of women and queer caste-oppressed and racialized philosophers, activists, and thinkers. The course then seeks to give students conceptual and theoretical foundations to understand the relationship between race/caste/ethnicity and gender in religious nationalisms, while presenting case studies from Asia and the US to reflect on and challenge these models. Students will have the opportunity to conduct further research into these issues in Asia, the US, and other parts of the world. Cross-listed with HIST 4002, ETST 4002, INTS 4002, RLST 4002, and HIST 5002. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
CHIN 4421 -  Modern China  (3 Credits)  
Surveys Chinese history in the modern era. Includes examination of Western domination of China; revolution and internal fragmentation of China; Japanese attacks and World War II; and civil war and the communist revolution. Cross-listed with HIST 4421, and HIST 5421. Term offered: spring. Max Hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.
CHIN 4423 -  China in the World  (3 Credits)  
China does not exist apart from the world, and never has. This course approaches Chinese history by asking: how has the world shaped China's history, and how has China shaped the history of the world? Rather than explain what went on in China, we focus on exploring what went on outside-among China's immediate neighbors in East Asia, the entire Eurasian region, the African continent, and the so-called "West." The course moves chronologically from ancient times to the present, and is organized around the themes as conquest, trade, international relations, climate change, environmental stress, and the circulation of ideas. Cross-listed with HIST 4423 and HIST 5423. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.
CHIN 4690 -  Methods of Teaching Modern Languages  (3 Credits)  
Studies current methods, techniques, and best practices for communicative language teaching in modern languages. Focuses on practical components such as creation of classroom materials and peer-teaching as well as linguistic theory (second language acquisition). Topics include the learning and teaching of the four skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking) and the three domains of language learning: vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Note: requirement for language majors in the teacher certification program, School of Education, CU Denver. Note: This course is taught in English and does not fulfill the foreign language proficiency requirement for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Cross-listed with MLNG 4690, MLNG 5690, LING 4690, SPAN 5690, FREN 4690, FREN 5690, GRMN 4690, GRMN 5690, SPAN 4690, CHIN 5690. Term offered: fall. Max Hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall.
CHIN 4691 -  Methods of Teaching Modern Languages II  (3 Credits)  
A continuation of Methods of Teaching Modern Languages. This second course has an emphasis on the practical component of creating effective activities for the modern language classroom within a communicative language teaching framework. Students will learn about relevant linguistic theory in second language acquisition and will focus on experiential learning, creating activities, completing individual teaching demonstrations and carrying out classroom observations. This course is taught in English and does not fulfill the foreign language proficiency requirement for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Prereq: MLNG 4690 or SPAN 4690 or FREN 4690 or GRMN 4690 or CHIN 4690. Cross-listed with LING 4691, LING 5691, MLNG 4691, MLNG 5691, SPAN 5691, FREN 4691, FREN 5691, GRMN 4691, GRMN 5691, SPAN 4691, CHIN 5691. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.
CHIN 4880 -  Directed Research  (1-6 Credits)  
Students will engage in original research projects supervised and mentored by faculty. Students must work with faculty prior to registration to develop a proposal for their project and receive permission to take this course. Repeatable. Max Hours: 6 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 6.

French (FREN)

FREN 1000 -  Introduction to Cultures of the French- Speaking World  (3 Credits)  
Introduces students to the many cultures of the French-speaking world. Taught in English for accessibility to students from different colleges at the University. The countries studied are: France, its overseas departments (Guadeloupe and Martinique) and territories (Tahiti); Quebec; Senegal; and other African countries. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits. GT: Course is approved by the Colorado Dept of Higher Education for statewide guaranteed transfer, GT-AH4.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Additional Information: Denver Core Requirement, Humanities; GT courses GT Pathways, GT-AH4, Arts Hum: Foreign Languages.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FREN 1001 -  French Language I  (4 Credits)  
Introductory course in French language skills, in which basic grammatical structures are introduced, together with elementary vocabulary and cultural items that allow the student to carry on simple conversations in French. Note: Students may not enroll in any lower division (1000/2000) language skills course in which their level of proficiency exceeds that of the course. Students placing into a course through any means other than following the regular sequence must consult with an appropriate faculty member of the Dept. of Modern Languages prior to enrollment. No previous study of French is required. No co-credit with FREN 1010. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 4 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FREN 1002 -  French Language II  (4 Credits)  
Second semester of elementary French language skills continuation of French Language I (FREN 1001). More complex grammatical structures are introduced together with appropriate vocabulary and cultural and literary readings that allow students to carry on more complex conversations. Note: This course assumes that students have passed FREN 1001 or 1010 or equivalent, or have taken one year of high school French, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in the previous French course is recommended for success in this course. Note: Students may not enroll in any lower division (1000/2000) language skills course in which their level of proficiency exceeds that of the course. Students placing into a course through any means other than following the regular sequence must consult with an appropriate faculty member of the Dept. of Modern Languages prior to enrollment. This course is not intended for native speakers. No co-credit with FREN 1020. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 4 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FREN 2001 -  Second-Year French  (3 Credits)  
FREN 2001 Third semester of French language skills- continuation of French Language II (FREN 1002). Further introduction to beginning & intermediate level grammatical structures with appropriate vocabulary and cultural & literary readings that allow students to understand oral & written French and to speak & write in French in everyday situations. Note: This course assumes that students have passed FREN 1002 or 1020 or equivalent, or have taken two years of high school French, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in the previous French course is recommended for success in this course. Note: Students may not enroll in any lower division (1000/2000) language skills course in which their level of proficiency exceeds that of the course. Students placing into a course through any means other than following the regular sequence must consult with an appropriate faculty member of the Dept. of Modern Languages prior to enrollment. This course is not intended for native speakers. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
FREN 3010 -  French Phonetics and Pronunciation  (3 Credits)  
Helps students acquire speech habits through knowledge of phonetics. Topics include the function of the speech organs, accurate production and recognition of sound, and the use of phonetic symbols. Note: Students with native or near-native level proficiency in French must consult with the French advisor before enrolling in this course. These students may, in some cases, take this course. The instructor of the course and/or the French advisor reserve the right to determine the level of linguistic proficiency of the student and his or her admission to the class by means of an oral interview and/or placement exam scores. Note: This course assumes that students have passed FREN 2004 or 2120 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school French, or possess equivalent proficiency. Term offered: spring term of even years. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.
FREN 3020 -  Conversation through Film  (3 Credits)  
Conversation course focusing on the exploration of the diversity of French and Francophone cultures through film. Oral practice methodologies will include small group discussions, short oral presentations and debates. Note: Students with native or nearnative-level proficiency will not be allowed to take FREN 3020. The instructor of the course and/or the French advisor reserve the right to determine the level of linguistic proficiency of the student and his or her admission to the class by means of an oral interview and/or placement exam scores. Note: This course may count for the International Studies major or minor. See your INTS advisor for more information. Note: This course assumes that students have passed FREN 2004 or 2120 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school French, or possess equivalent proficiency. Term offered: spring term of odd years. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.
FREN 3050 -  Advanced Grammar and Composition  (3 Credits)  
Rigorous review of grammar (including past and future tenses, conditional mood and nominal phrase), along with development of writing skills through analysis and discussion of selections from French writers. Through questions and written exercises, students familiarize themselves with vocabulary, spelling, syntax and grammar. Note: May be taken before or after FREN 3060. Students with native or near-native level proficiency in French must consult with the French advisor before enrolling in this course. These students may, in some cases, take this course. The instructor of the course and/or the French advisor reserve the right to determine the level of linguistic proficiency of the student and his or her admission to the class by means of an oral interview and/or placement exam scores. Note: This course assumes that students have passed FREN 2004 or 2120 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school French, or possess equivalent proficiency. Term offered: fall term of even years. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall.
FREN 3060 -  Advanced French Language Skills  (3 Credits)  
Rigorous review of grammar (including subjunctive, interrogative, verbal phrase and passive voice), along with development of writing skills through analysis and discussion of selections from French writers. Through questions and written exercises, students familiarize themselves with vocabulary, spelling, and grammar. Note: May be taken before or after FREN 3050. Students with native or near-native level proficiency in French must consult with the French advisor before enrolling in this course. These students may, in some cases, take this course. The instructor of the course and/or the French advisor reserve the right to determine the level of linguistic proficiency of the student and his or her admission to the class by means of an oral interview and/or placement exam scores. Note: This course assumes that students have passed FREN 2004 or 2120 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school French, or possess equivalent proficiency. Term offered: fall term of odd years. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall.
FREN 3112 -  Survey of French Literature I  (3 Credits)  
Introduces survey of the major literary trends and prominent writers of French literature from 842 A.D. to the end of the 18th century. Note: May be taken before or after FREN 3122. Note: This course assumes that students have passed FREN 2004 or 2120 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school French, or possess equivalent proficiency. Term offered: fall term of odd years. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall.
FREN 3122 -  Survey of French Literature II  (3 Credits)  
Introduces survey of the major literary trends (romanticism, realism and existentialism) and writers of the 19th and 20th centuries. Students become acquainted with prominent writers of the period such as Beauvoir, Chateaubriand, Hugo, Balzac, Flaubert, Proust, Camus and Sartre. Note: May be taken before or after FREN 3112. Note: This course assumes that students have passed FREN 2004 or 2120 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school French, or possess equivalent proficiency. Term offered: spring term of even years. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.
FREN 3130 -  Current Topics of the French-Speaking World  (3 Credits)  
Combines discussion and writing on political, economic, and social conditions in contemporary France and the Francophone world. Articles from current French newspapers, news magazines, television broadcasts, and the World Wide Web are analyzed for a better understanding of modern French culture. Note: This course assumes that students have passed FREN 2004 or 2120 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school French, or possess equivalent proficiency. Term offered: fall term of even years. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall.
FREN 3140 -  Contemporary Francophone Cultures  (3 Credits)  
Through the reading of short stories and cultural texts, engages students in the exploration of cultures of the Francophone world. Addresses political, economic and geographic status of each region as well as societal identity, immigration, the individual and cultural identity. Note: This course may count for the International Studies major or minor. See your INTS advisor for more information. Note: This course assumes that students have passed FREN 2004 or 2120 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school French, or possess equivalent proficiency. Term offered: spring term of odd years. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.
FREN 3200 -  The Francophone World in the Post-Colonial Era  (3 Credits)  
Focuses on the many Francophone regions of the world, including (but not limited to) France, North and West Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Caribbean, and surveys a wide span of subject matter as it pertains to the post-colonial situations in these regions. Taught in English. Note: This course may count for the International Studies major or minor. See your INTS advisor for more information. Prereq: Sophomore standing or higher. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher.
Additional Information: Denver Core Requirement, International Perspectives.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FREN 3840 -  Independent Study: FREN  (1-3 Credits)  
Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Department consent required. Repeatable. Max hours: 6 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 6.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
FREN 3939 -  Internship  (1-3 Credits)  
Note: students must work with the Experiential Learning Center advising to complete a course contract and gain approval. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Department consent required. Repeatable. Max hours: 9 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 9.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
FREN 3970 -  Special Topics  (3 Credits)  
Varying topics in French and Francophone language, literature and culture appropriate to the 3000 level, not otherwise covered by regular courses. Note: This course assumes that students have passed FREN 2004 or 2120 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school French, or possess equivalent proficiency. Note: May be taken more than once, provided that the topic is different each time. Repeatable. Max Hours: 9 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 9.
FREN 3995 -  Global Study Topics  (3-6 Credits)  
This course is reserved for CU Denver faculty-led study abroad experiences. The course topic will vary based on the location and course content. Students register through the Office of Global Education. Term offered: summer. Repeatable. Max Hours: 15 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 15.
Additional Information: Global Education Study Abroad.
Typically Offered: Summer.
FREN 4010 -  Advanced Composition: Stylistics  (3 Credits)  
Focuses on improvement of writing skills and development of the student's ability to compose logically and convincingly. The writing styles to be studied include: narration, description, portrait, persuasive essay and report. Note: This course assumes that students have passed FREN 3050 or 3060 or an equivalent course, plus one other 3000 level course in French. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
FREN 4082 -  Introduction to Translation  (3 Credits)  
Introduces the methodology and practice of written translation from English to French/French to English. Students will learn techniques on how to avoid word by word translation, faulty sentence structure and anglicisms by focusing on grammar, syntax and vocabulary. Note: Students must demonstrate third-year competence and advanced writing skills in English. Students with native or near-native level proficiency in French must consult with the French advisor before enrolling in this course. These students may, in some cases, take this course. The instructor of the course and/or the French advisor reserve the right to determine the level of linguistic proficiency of the student and his or her admission to the class by means of an oral interview and/or placement exam scores. Note: This course assumes that students have passed FREN 3050 or 3060 or an equivalent course, plus one other 3000 level course in French. Cross-listed with FREN 5082. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
FREN 4210 -  French Civilization - Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries  (3 Credits)  
(Continuation of FREN 4200) The development of French culture and civilization in a historical perspective from the beginning of the 20th century to the present. Includes historical background, sciences and techniques, daily life, the arts, literature and philosophy, and religion. Note: May be taken before or after FREN 4200. Note: This course assumes that students have passed two 3000 level courses in French. Term offered: fall term of odd years. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall.
FREN 4480 -  Twentieth Century French Novel  (3 Credits)  
Represents novels of the 20th century, a period of great innovation in the French novel. Authors generally treated are Camus, Giono, Ernaux and Duras. Note: This course assumes that students have passed FREN 3112 or 3122 or an equivalent course, plus one other 3000 level course in French. Cross-listed with FREN 5480. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FREN 4490 -  Twentieth Century French Theater  (3 Credits)  
Surveys the major movements in French literature of the 20th century as represented in the theater arts. Such authors as Jarry, Artaud, Apollinaire, Giraudoux, Sartre, and Beckett are discussed. Note: This course assumes that students have passed FREN 3112 or 3122 or an equivalent course, plus one other 3000 level course in French. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
FREN 4510 -  French Women Writers  (3 Credits)  
Designed to explore writings by French and Francophone women from the Middle Ages to the present. Addresses the question of what it means to be a woman and want to write. The selections include a wide variety of genres: autobiographical writings, stories, poems, manifestos, letters, political and historical documents. Note: This course assumes that students have passed FREN 3112 or 3122 or an equivalent course, plus one other 3000 level course in French. Cross-listed with FREN 5510 and WGST 4511/5511. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FREN 4520 -  Voices of Haiti and the Caribbean  (3 Credits)  
This course explores the literary production of contemporary Haitian and Caribbean writers within varied cultural and gender contexts. It focuses on historical, societal and post-quake issues confronting both men and women writers of the French Caribbean. Note: This course may count for the International Studies major or minor. See your INTS advisor for more information. Note: This course assumes that students have passed FREN 3112 or 3122 or an equivalent course, plus one other 3000 level course in French. Cross-listed with FREN 5520. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FREN 4690 -  Methods of Teaching Modern Languages  (3 Credits)  
Studies current methods, techniques, and best practices for communicative language teaching in modern languages. Focuses on practical components such as creation of classroom materials and peer-teaching as well as linguistic theory (second language acquisition). Topics include the learning and teaching of the four skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking) and the three domains of language learning: vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Note: requirement for language majors in the teacher certification program, School of Education, CU Denver. Note: This course is taught in English and does not fulfill the foreign language proficiency requirement for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Cross-listed with MLNG 4690, MLNG 5690, LING 4690, SPAN 5690, SPAN 4690, FREN 5690, GRMN 4690, GRMN 5690, CHIN 4690, CHIN 5690. Term offered: fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall.
FREN 4691 -  Methods of Teaching Modern Languages II  (3 Credits)  
A continuation of Methods of Teaching Modern Languages. This second course has an emphasis on the practical component of creating effective activities for the modern language classroom within a communicative language teaching framework. Students will learn about relevant linguistic theory in second language acquisition and will focus on experiential learning, creating activities, completing individual teaching demonstrations and carrying out classroom observations. This course is taught in English and does not fulfill the foreign language proficiency requirement for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Prereq: MLNG 4690 or SPAN 4690 or FREN 4690 or GRMN 4690 or CHIN 4690. Cross-listed with LING 4691, LING 5691, MLNG 4691, MLNG 5691, SPAN 5691, SPAN 4691, FREN 5691, GRMN 4691, GRMN 5691, CHIN 4691, CHIN 5691. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.
FREN 4840 -  Independent Study: FREN  (1-3 Credits)  
Department consent required. Repeatable. Max hours: 12 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 12.
FREN 4880 -  Directed Research  (1-6 Credits)  
Students will engage in original research projects supervised and mentored by faculty. Students must work with faculty prior to registration to develop a proposal for their project and receive permission to take this course. Repeatable. Max Hours: 6 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 6.
FREN 4970 -  Special Topics  (3 Credits)  
Varying topics in French and Francophone language, literature and culture appropriate to the 4000 level, not otherwise covered by regular courses. Note: This course assumes that students have passed two 3000 level courses in French. Note: May be taken more than once, provided that the topic is different each time. Repeatable. Max Hours: 9 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 9.
FREN 4995 -  Global Study Topics  (1-15 Credits)  
This course is reserved for CU Denver faculty-led study abroad experiences. The course topic will vary based on the location and course content. Students register through the Office of Global Education. Term offered: summer. Repeatable. Max Hours: 15 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 15.
Additional Information: Global Education Study Abroad.
Typically Offered: Summer.

German (GRMN)

GRMN 1000 -  Germany and the Germans  (3 Credits)  
Introduces the ways in which the various aspects of German culture help define German life and national identity. By examining art, music and media, primarily of the 20th century, students explore what it means to be German. Note: Taught in English. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits. GT: Course is approved by the Colorado Dept of Higher Education for statewide guaranteed transfer, GT-AH4.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Additional Information: GT courses GT Pathways, GT-AH4, Arts Hum: Foreign Languages.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
GRMN 1010 -  Beginning German I  (5 Credits)  
Introduces basic grammar, sentence structure and speech patterns. Note: Students may not enroll in any lower division (1000/2000) language skills course in which their level of proficiency exceeds that of the course. Students placing into a course through any means other than following the regular sequence must consult with an appropriate faculty member of the Dept. of Modern Languages prior to enrollment. Term offered: fall. Max hours: 5 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall.
GRMN 1020 -  Beginning German II  (5 Credits)  
(Continuation of GRMN 1010.) Note: Students may not enroll in any lower division (1000/2000) language skills course in which their level of proficiency exceeds that of the course. Students placing into a course through any means other than following the regular sequence must consult with an appropriate faculty member of the Dept. of Modern Languages prior to enrollment. Note: This course assumes that students have passed GRMN 1010 or equivalent, or have taken one year of high school German, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in GRMN 1010 is recommended for success in this course. This course is not intended for native speakers. Term offered: spring. Max hours: 5 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.
GRMN 3200 -  Current German Society and Culture  (3 Credits)  
Provides students with a detailed overview of the systems in modern, united Germany such as social, educational, and political. Examines how Germany sees itself as a vital member of the EU. Exposes students to rudimentary use of the German language. Prereq: Sophomore standing. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher.
Additional Information: Denver Core Requirement, International Perspectives.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
GRMN 3995 -  Global Study Topics  (1-15 Credits)  
This course is reserved for CU Denver faculty-led study abroad experiences. The course topic will vary based on the location and course content. Students register through the Office of Global Education. Term offered: spring, summer, fall. Repeatable. Max Hours: 15 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 15.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
GRMN 4690 -  Methods of Teaching Modern Languages  (3 Credits)  
Studies current methods, techniques, and best practices for communicative language teaching in modern languages. Focuses on practical components such as creation of classroom materials and peer-teaching as well as linguistic theory (second language acquisition). Topics include the learning and teaching of the four skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking) and the three domains of language learning: vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Note: requirement for language majors in the teacher certification program, School of Education, CU Denver. Note: This course is taught in English and does not fulfill the foreign language proficiency requirement for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Cross-listed with MLNG 4690, MLNG 5690, LING 4690, SPAN 5690, FREN 4690, FREN 5690, SPAN 4690, GRMN 5690, CHIN 4690, CHIN 5690. Term offered: fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall.
GRMN 4691 -  Methods of Teaching Modern Languages II  (3 Credits)  
A continuation of Methods of Teaching Modern Languages. This second course has an emphasis on the practical component of creating effective activities for the modern language classroom within a communicative language teaching framework. Students will learn about relevant linguistic theory in second language acquisition and will focus on experiential learning, creating activities, completing individual teaching demonstrations and carrying out classroom observations. This course is taught in English and does not fulfill the foreign language proficiency requirement for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Prereq: MLNG 4690 or SPAN 4690 or FREN 4690 or GRMN 4690 or CHIN 4690. Cross-listed with LING 4691, LING 5691, MLNG 4691, MLNG 5691, SPAN 5691, FREN 4691, FREN 5691, SPAN 4691, GRMN 5691, CHIN 4691, CHIN 5691. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.

Latin (LATN)

LATN 1010 -  Elementary Latin I  (5 Credits)  
Introduces grammar, syntax, and vocabulary of Classical Latin, with an emphasis on preparing students to read Latin while improving English grammar and vocabulary skills. Two semesters of Latin may be used to fulfill the CLAS language competency requirement. Term offered: fall. Max hours: 5 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall.
LATN 1020 -  Beginning Latin II  (5 Credits)  
Completes the presentation of basic Latin grammar, syntax and vocabulary. Introduces students to Latin literature through readings in select authors adapted to meet the needs of beginning students. Note: This course assumes that students have passed LATN 1010 or equivalent, or have taken one year of high school Latin, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in LATN 1010 is recommended for success in this course. Term offered: spring. Max hours: 5 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.
LATN 2010 -  Intermediate Latin I  (3 Credits)  
Introduces advanced Latin grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and stylistics of Latin prose via readings in Caesar, Cicero and Livy. Includes review of basic Latin grammar, plus introduction to Latin prose composition and Latin rhetoric. Emphasis on historical, cultural, social context of authors and works. Note: This course assumes that students have passed LATN 1020 or equivalent, or have taken two years of high school Latin, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in LATN 1020 is recommended for success in this course. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
LATN 2020 -  Intermediate Latin II  (3 Credits)  
(Continuation of LATN 2010.) Completes the presentation of advanced Latin grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and stylistics of Latin prose. Continues the study of Latin prose composition and Latin rhetoric with emphasis on historical, cultural, and social context of authors and works. Note: This course assumes that students have passed LATN 2010 or equivalent, or have taken three years of high school Latin, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in LATN 2010 is recommended for success in this course. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
LATN 2840 -  Independent Study  (1-3 Credits)  
Department consent required. Repeatable. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 12.
LATN 3000 -  Medical Terminology  (3 Credits)  
The course enables students to understand medical terms by learning the Greek and Latin word elements that form these terms. Term offered: summer. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Summer.
LATN 3840 -  Independent Study  (1-3 Credits)  
Department consent required. Repeatable. Max hours: 12 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 12.
LATN 4840 -  Independent Study  (1-3 Credits)  
Department consent required. Repeatable. Max hours: 12 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 12.

Linguistics (LING)

LING 2000 -  Foundations of Linguistics  (3 Credits)  
Provides students with the foundations of the scientific study of language. Examines core areas within theoretical linguisitics, sociolinguistics, historical linguistics, language acquisition, and writing systems, using a variety of languages. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Additional Information: Denver Core Requirement, Behavioral Sciences.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
LING 3100 -  Language in Society  (3 Credits)  
Introduces students to language use in the context of American society. Examines the interaction between language and age, gender, race, ethnicity, education, income, social class, language attitudes, policy and politics. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Additional Information: Denver Core Requirement, Cultural Diversity.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
LING 4690 -  Methods of Teaching Modern Languages  (3 Credits)  
Studies current methods, techniques, and best practices for communicative language teaching in modern languages. Focuses on practical components such as creation of classroom materials and peer-teaching as well as linguistic theory (second language acquisition). Topics include the learning and teaching of the four skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking) and the three domains of language learning: vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Note: requirement for language majors in the teacher certification program, School of Education, CU Denver. Note: This course is taught in English and does not fulfill the foreign language proficiency requirement for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Cross-listed with MLNG 4690, MLNG 5690, SPAN 4690, SPAN 5690, FREN 4690, FREN 5690, GRMN 4690, GRMN 5690, CHIN 4690, CHIN 5690. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall.
LING 4691 -  Methods of Teaching Modern Languages II  (3 Credits)  
A continuation of Methods of Teaching Modern Languages. This second course has an emphasis on the practical component of creating effective activities for the modern language classroom within a communicative language teaching framework. Students will learn about relevant linguistic theory in second language acquisition and will focus on experiential learning, creating activities, completing individual teaching demonstrations and carrying out classroom observations. This course is taught in English and does not fulfill the foreign language proficiency requirement for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Prereq: MLNG 4690 or SPAN 4690 or FREN 4690 or GRMN 4690 or CHIN 4690. Cross-listed with MLNG 4691, MLNG 5691, SPAN 4691, SPAN 5691, FREN 4691, FREN 5691, GRMN 4691, GRMN 5691, CHIN 4691, CHIN 5691. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.

Spanish (SPAN)

SPAN 1000 -  Introduction to Cultures of the Spanish Speaking World  (3 Credits)  
Introduces students to the Spanish-speaking cultures of Spain, Latin America, and the United States through a historical overview and a focus on contemporary politics and culture. Note: Taught in English. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits. GT: Course is approved by the Colorado Dept of Higher Education for statewide guaranteed transfer, GT-AH4
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Additional Information: Denver Core Requirement, Humanities; GT courses GT Pathways, GT-AH4, Arts Hum: Foreign Languages.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
SPAN 1010 -  Beginning Spanish I  (5 Credits)  
Introduces basic Spanish pronunciation and grammar, useful vocabulary and idioms. Readings and class discussions relating to the Hispanic world. Note: Students may not enroll in any lower division (1000/2000) language skills course in which their level of proficiency exceeds that of the course. Students placing into a course through any means other than following the regular sequence must consult with an appropriate faculty member of the Dept. of Modern Languages prior to enrollment. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 5 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
SPAN 1020 -  Beginning Spanish II  (5 Credits)  
(Continuation of SPAN 1010.) Further development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Note: Students may not enroll in any lower division (1000/2000) language skills course in which their level of proficiency exceeds that of the course. Students placing into a course through any means other than following the regular sequence must consult with an appropriate faculty member of the Dept. of Modern Languages prior to enrollment. Note: This course assumes that students have passed SPAN 1010 or equivalent, or have taken one year of high school Spanish, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in SPAN 1010 is recommended for success in this course. This course is not intended for native speakers. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 5 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
SPAN 1070 -  Spanish Medical Conversation for Beginners  (3 Credits)  
SPAN 1070 is a beginner's Spanish class designed to help a variety of medical personnel and students, who don't have a previous knowledge of the Spanish language, to improve their communication with their Spanish speaking patients or clients. It involves learning and practicing basic and essential conversation such as greetings, asking information during medical visits or emergency care, giving recommendations, speaking about medical records and other health related issues. The class requires weekly practice of fundamental medical interviews in Spanish, while improving general fluency and cultural competence
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
SPAN 1071 -  Spanish Medical Conversation for Beginners II  (3 Credits)  
This course seeks to enhance the communication between healthcare professionals and their Spanish speaking patients or clients. It entails practice of the medical interview, while improving linguistic and cultural competence. The objectives of this course are to enhance competency in speaking, reading, listening and writing; and to develop a broad knowledge of Hispanic culture, all within the field of Healthcare Studies. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
SPAN 1111 -  First Year Seminar  (3 Credits)  
Restriction: Restricted to Freshman level students. Term offered: fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Restriction: Restricted to Freshman level students
Typically Offered: Fall.
SPAN 1995 -  Global Study Topics  (1-15 Credits)  
This course is reserved for CU Denver faculty-led study abroad experiences. The course topic will vary based on the location and course content. Students register through the Office of Global Education. Repeatable. Max hours: 15 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 15.
SPAN 2110 -  Second Year Spanish I  (3 Credits)  
Continues the development of skills acquired in 1010 and 1020. Readings deal with Hispanic culture and current topics from Spain and Latin America. Development of informal oral and written expression. Note: Students may not enroll in any lower division (1000/2000) language skills course in which their level of proficiency exceeds that of the course. Students placing into a course through any means other than following the regular sequence must consult with an appropriate faculty member of the Dept. of Modern Languages prior to enrollment. Note: This course assumes that students have passed SPAN 1020 or equivalent, or have taken two years of high school Spanish, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in SPAN 1020 is recommended for success in this course. This course is not intended for native speakers. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
SPAN 2120 -  Second Year Spanish II  (3 Credits)  
Continues the development of skills acquired in SPAN 1010, 1020 and 2110, together with a review of grammar. Readings deal with Hispanic culture and literature. Development of informal oral and written expression. SPAN 2120 satisfies the fourth-semester language requirement at most graduate schools. Note: Students may not enroll in any lower division (1000/2000) language skills course in which their level of proficiency exceeds that of the course. Students placing into a course through any means other than following the regular sequence must consult with an appropriate faculty member of the Dept. of Modern Languages prior to enrollment. Note: This course assumes that students have passed SPAN 2110 or equivalent, or have taken three years of high school Spanish, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in SPAN 2110 is recommended for success in this course. This course is not intended for native speakers. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 2130 -  Current Topics in the Spanish-Speaking World  (3 Credits)  
A fourth-semester course (parallel to 2120) designed for students majoring or minoring in international affairs, but open to anyone wishing to continue the study of Spanish beyond 2110. Along with development of language skills and grammar review, class work involves contemporary topics in cultural, political, economic and social affairs. Note: This course assumes that students have passed SPAN 2110 or equivalent, or have taken three years of high school Spanish, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in SPAN 2110 is recommended for success in this course. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
SPAN 2939 -  Internship  (1-3 Credits)  
Experiences involving application of specific, relevant concepts and skills in supervised employment situations. Note: students must work with the Experiential Learning Center advising to complete a course contract and gain approval. Prereq: Sophomore standing. Repeatable. Max Hours: 9 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 9.
Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher.
SPAN 2995 -  Global Study Topics  (1-15 Credits)  
This course is reserved for CU Denver faculty-led study abroad experiences. The course topic will vary based on the location and course content. Students register through the Office of Global Education. Term offered: summer. Repeatable. Max Hours: 15 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 15.
Additional Information: Global Education Study Abroad.
Typically Offered: Summer.
SPAN 3010 -  Spanish Composition I  (3 Credits)  
Expansion and reinforcement of oral and written skills in Spanish at an advanced level, in a broad cultural context. Oral activities are individual and in groups. Topics are introduced through oral activities, and are then used for written assignments. Note: This course may count for the International Studies major or minor. See your INTS advisor for more information. Note: This course assumes that students have passed SPAN 2120 or 2130 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school Spanish, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in SPAN 2120 or 2130 is recommended for success in this course. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
SPAN 3020 -  Spanish Composition II  (3 Credits)  
(Continuation of SPAN 3010.) Development of oral and written skills in Spanish in preparation for taking other advanced courses. Topics of increasing complexity are selected from current publications in Spanish. Note: This course may count for the International Studies major or minor. See your INTS advisor for more information. Note: This course assumes that students have passed SPAN 2120 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school Spanish, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in SPAN 2120 is recommended for success in this course. Term offered: spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.
SPAN 3025 -  Writing for Latinos  (3 Credits)  
Writing class for students who grew up speaking Spanish, especially those who grew up in the United States. Focuses on different types of formal writing, spelling, difficult grammar points and writing as a process. Term offered: fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall.
SPAN 3026 -  Writing for Latinos II  (3 Credits)  
This course is a continuation of SPAN 3025 (Writing for Latinos) designed for heritage speakers of Spanish, that is, for students who grew up in the United States and have learned Spanish at home. The goal for this course is to continue the development of the student's bilingual range to achieve communicative, linguistic and sociolinguistic competence in speaking, listening, reading and writing Spanish. Special emphasis will be given to grammar, appropriate vocabulary for formal registers, and academic writing of increased complexity. Studentsʼ work involves reading, composing, writing and proof reading different type of essays on topics related to students' cultural background, the Spanish speaking world, and Spanish for academic proposes. A multi-faceted approach to the language will help the student continue to gain a solid grasp of the Spanish language and all of its varieties and awareness of the diversity of the Hispanic communities both here in the US as well as in the Spanish speaking world. Recommended preparation: Completion of SPAN 2120 with a C or higher or consultation with an advisor in the CU Denver Department of Modern Languages or the instructor of record, for placement. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
SPAN 3030 -  Spanish Oral Proficiency  (3 Credits)  
This course is designed to help students acquire an "Intermediate High" level of proficiency in speaking and understanding spoken Spanish. The course uses real-world topics to help students improve their fluency and confidence in spoken Spanish, through content-based discussions in small groups and a focus on in-context vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar. Note: This course assumes that students have passed SPAN 2120 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school Spanish, or possess equivalent proficiency. This course is not intended for native speakers of Spanish. Heritage Spanish speakers must meet with the instructor to determine eligibility for this course. A grade of C- or higher in SPAN 2120 is recommended for success in this course. Restriction: Restricted to SPAN-BA or SPAN-MIN students within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Term offered: fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Restriction: Restricted to SPAN-BA or SPAN-MIN students within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Typically Offered: Fall.
SPAN 3065 -  Spanish Phonetics and Pronunciation  (3 Credits)  
Explores the phonetics of spoken Spanish including the classification of Spanish sounds and variation throughout the Spanish-speaking world. Provides techniques and strategies for English speakers learning to pronounce Spanish and for Spanish learners, heritage and native speakers interested in teaching Spanish. Note: This course may count for the International Studies major or minor. See your INTS advisor for more information. Note: This course assumes that students have passed SPAN 2120 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school Spanish, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in SPAN 2120 is recommended for success in this course. Cross-listed with SPAN 5065. Term offered: spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.
SPAN 3101 -  Introduction to the Study of Literature  (3 Credits)  
The basic terms and skills needed to analyze both the themes and form of literary works, together with an introduction to research skills. All literary examples come from Hispanic literature. Note: SPAN 3252 is a prerequisite (previous or concurrent) to all other literature courses taught in Spanish. Note: This course assumes that students have passed SPAN 2120 or 2130 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school Spanish, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in SPAN 2120 or 2130 is recommended for success in this course. This course is a prerequisite/corequisite for all other literature courses taught in Spanish. Term offered: fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall.
SPAN 3213 -  Contemporary Latin American Culture and Institutions  (3 Credits)  
Introduction to contemporary Latin American culture and institutions, with emphasis on the social, economic and political institutions of Spanish-speaking countries. Note: This course assumes that students have passed SPAN 2120 or 2130 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school Spanish, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in SPAN 2120 or 2130 is recommended for success in this course. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 3223 -  Contemporary Spanish Culture and Institutions  (3 Credits)  
A study of contemporary Iberian culture, including an emphasis on modern business institutions and practices. This course can be applied to any Spanish major track but is specifically required for the International Language and Culture for the Professions track. Note: This course assumes that students have passed SPAN 2120 or 2130 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school Spanish, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in SPAN 2120 or 2130 is recommended for success in this course. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 3225 -  Special Topics In Hispanic Culture  (3 Credits)  
Variable topics in advanced studies in Spanish and Latin American culture. Note: This course assumes that students have passed SPAN 2120 or 2130 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school Spanish, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in SPAN 2120 or 2130 is recommended for success in this course. Term offered: spring, fall. Repeatable. Max hours: 9 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 9.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 3230 -  Ibero-American Cultures through Film  (3 Credits)  
A study of the Ibero-American cultures through their most representative films. Films will be windows to access the complexities and the contradictions lived in Ibero-American countries regarding a set of contemporary issues, such as violence, linguistic diversity, religious beliefs, sexuality, politics, history, social class, and globalization. Note: This course may count for the International Studies major or minor. See your INTS advisor for more information. Note: This course assumes that students have passed SPAN 2120 or 2130 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school Spanish, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in SPAN 2120 or 2130 is recommended for success in this course. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 3240 -  Food Metaphors: Ibero-American Cuisine and Culture  (3 Credits)  
Intermediate/advanced Spanish students study interactions between Ibero-American cuisine and cultures. While improving Spanish skills, students learn how to cook Hispanic meals, study scholarly materials on food and cultures, watch films featuring meals as protagonists and read literary works of fiction and poetry. Taught in Spanish. Note: This course assumes that students have passed SPAN 2120 or 2130 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school Spanish, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in SPAN 2120 or 2130 is recommended for success in this course. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 3270 -  Bilingual Communities: Spanish as a Language of Contact  (3 Credits)  
Explores bilingualism by tracing the series of linguistic and ethnic contacts that converted Castilian from a Latin dialect to the language of the Spanish empire, the primary language of Latin America, and a fast-growing language in the United States. Note: This course assumes that students have passed SPAN 2120 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school Spanish, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in SPAN 2120 is recommended for success in this course. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 3550 -  Spanish American Short Story  (3 Credits)  
The Spanish American short story from its beginnings in the romantic period of the 19th century to the present. Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101
SPAN 3700 -  Spanish for International Business I  (3 Credits)  
Development of proficiency in oral and written Spanish as used in business and industry throughout the Hispanic world, together with an increased awareness of social, economic, and political conditions affecting business transactions, particularly in long-term operations. Note: This course assumes that students have passed SPAN 2120 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school Spanish, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in SPAN 2120 is recommended for success in this course. Term offered: fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall.
SPAN 3710 -  Spanish for International Business II  (3 Credits)  
(Continuation of SPAN 3700.) Further development of oral and written language proficiency, together with further examination of pertinent social, economic, and political conditions of the Hispanic world. Note: This course assumes that students have passed SPAN 2120 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school Spanish, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in SPAN 2120 is recommended for success in this course. SPAN 3700 desirable. Term offered: spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.
SPAN 3730 -  Special Topics in Spanish for the Professions  (3 Credits)  
Variable topics in Spanish for the Professions not otherwise covered in regular course offerings. Note: May be taken more than once, provided that the topic is different each time. Note: This course assumes that students have passed SPAN 2120 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school Spanish, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in SPAN 2120 is recommended for success in this course. Term offered: spring, fall. Repeatable. Max Hours: 15 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 15.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 3740 -  Spanish for the Healthcare Professions I  (3 Credits)  
This course seeks to enhance the communication between healthcare professionals and their Spanish speaking patients or clients. It entails practice of the medical interview while improving linguistic and intercultural competence. Cross-listed with SPAN 5740. Term offered: fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall.
SPAN 3750 -  Spanish for the Healthcare Professions II  (3 Credits)  
SPAN 3750 is a continuation of SPAN 3740. Students will continue to enhance the communication between healthcare professionals and their Spanish speaking patients or clients. It entails practice of the medical interview while improving linguistic and intercultural competence. Cross-listed with SPAN 5750. Term offered: spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.
SPAN 3782 -  Introduction to Translation I  (3 Credits)  
The first course in a two-semester sequence that introduces the methodology and practice of written translation. Thorough analysis of source texts precedes translation into target language. Students must demonstrate third-year competence in Spanish and advanced writing skills in English. Note: This course may count for the International Studies major or minor. See your INTS advisor for more information. Note: This course assumes that students have passed SPAN 2120 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school Spanish, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in SPAN 2120 is recommended for success in this course. Term offered: fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall.
SPAN 3792 -  Introduction to Translation II  (3 Credits)  
Second course in a two-semester sequence (see SPAN 3782). Note: This course assumes that students have passed SPAN 2120 or equivalent, or have taken four years of high school Spanish, or possess equivalent proficiency. A grade of C- or higher in SPAN 2120 is recommended for success in this course. Term offered: spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.
SPAN 3840 -  Independent Study: SPAN  (1-3 Credits)  
Repeatable. Department consent required. Max hours: 6 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 6.
SPAN 3939 -  Internship  (1-3 Credits)  
Designed experiences involving application of specific, relevant concepts and skills in supervised employment situations. Note: students must work with the Experiential Learning Center advising to complete a course contract and gain approval. Prereq: Junior standing. Repeatable. Max Hours: 9 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 9.
Prereq: junior standing or higher
SPAN 3995 -  Global Study Topics  (1-15 Credits)  
This course is reserved for CU Denver faculty-led study abroad experiences. The course topic will vary based on the location and course content. Students register through the Office of Global Education. Term offered: summer. Repeatable. Max Hours: 15 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 15.
Additional Information: Global Education Study Abroad.
Typically Offered: Summer.
SPAN 4020 -  Spanish Sociolinguistics  (3 Credits)  
Studies the Spanish language in its social context. In addition to specific regional linguistic features, social factors such as geography, social class, politics, race, gender, economics, education and history are discussed as determiners of the linguistic landscape. Note: This course may count for the International Studies major or minor. See your INTS advisor for more information. Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3060. Cross-listed with SPAN 5020. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3060
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 4030 -  The Learning and Teaching of Heritage Speakers  (3 Credits)  
Studies Spanish heritage speakers (those who grew up in the US speaking Spanish at home), including characteristics of how they learn and best practices for teaching heritage speakers. Topics include definitions of heritage speakers, their strengths and weaknesses in learning Spanish, attitudes of and toward heritage speakers and other issues of social justice and equity for heritage speakers in the classroom. Practical component of materials analysis and development. Prereq: Students must have completed ANY 3000-level course in SPAN with a C or higher. Cross-listed with SPAN 5030. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq: Student must have completed ANY 3000-level course in SPAN with a C or higher.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 4040 -  Spanish Classroom Methods and Practice  (3 Credits)  
Focuses on the second language learning and teaching of Spanish in a classroom context. Looks at topics including second language vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and types of feed back. Practical component of activity design and learning/teaching strategies. Prereq: Students must have completed ANY 3000-level course in SPAN with a C or higher. Cross-listed with SPAN 5040. Term offered: spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq: Student must have completed ANY 3000-level course in SPAN with a C or higher.
Typically Offered: Spring.
SPAN 4060 -  Dialects of the Spanish-Speaking World  (3 Credits)  
Studies the geography of the Spanish language in those countries where it is spoken as a primary language. Includes a comparison of dialect features and a study of factors that contribute to the diversity of the Spanish language. Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3060. Cross-listed with SPAN 5060. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3060
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 4070 -  Spanish Second Language Acquisition  (3 Credits)  
Introduces the three main domains of language acquisition: vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation, along with the major second language acquisition theories. Students see the teaching and learning of these three domains in action through discussions of the findings and pedagogical implications of research. Practical component includes discussion of activities in the Spanish second language classroom and strategies for teaching and learning a second language. Prereq: Students must have completed ANY 3000-level course in SPAN with a C or higher. Cross-listed with SPAN 5070. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq: Student must have completed ANY 3000-level course in SPAN with a C or higher.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 4076 -  Spanish in Colorado  (3 Credits)  
A study of the Spanish language in its social context in Colorado and New Mexico. We will study historical factors as well as current social factors that contribute to the use of the Spanish language in this region. Prereq: Students must have completed ANY 3000-level course in SPAN with a C or higher. Cross-listed with SPAN 5076. Term offered: summer. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3060
Typically Offered: Summer.
SPAN 4080 -  Spanish in the United States  (3 Credits)  
A study of the Spanish language in its social context as a language of the United States. In addition to studying bilingualism and language traits, factors such as race, gender, class, education, nationality, age, generation and language attitudes are considered. Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3060. Cross-listed with SPAN 5080. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3060
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 4099 -  Special Topics in Linguistics  (3 Credits)  
Varying topics in Hispanic language and literature not otherwise covered by regular courses. Note: May be taken more than once provided that the topics are different each time. Note: This course may count for the International Studies major or minor. See your INTS advisor for more information. Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3060. Cross-listed with SPAN 5099. Term offered: spring, fall. Repeatable. Max Hours: 9 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 9.
Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3060
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 4110 -  Contemporary Spanish Literature  (3 Credits)  
Major works published since the Spanish Civil War, which ended in 1939. Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101. Cross-listed with SPAN 5110. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 4330 -  Modern Culture of Spain through Film and Narrative  (3 Credits)  
Culture of modern Spain studied through Spanish film. The death of military dictator Francisco Franco opened the process for the recuperation of a usurped democratic, representational system that has become the basis of a cultural and economic resurgence. Taught in Spanish. Note: This course may count for the International Studies major or minor. See your INTS advisor for more information. Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101. Cross-listed with SPAN 5330. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 4350 -  Don Quijote  (3 Credits)  
The complete Don Quijote in Spanish, focusing on its historical, social, and philosophic context, and its role in the emergence of the modern novel. Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101. Cross-listed with SPAN 5350. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 4360 -  Women and the Spanish Civil War  (3 Credits)  
Focuses on the role of Spanish women during the Second Republic, the Civil War, the dark & starving postwar, & the inescapable exile that was a consequence of the conflict. Discusses several texts & films that portray this silenced odyssey, as well as historical, ideological & cultural documents of critical value & significance. Cross-listed with SPAN 5360. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 4399 -  Special Topics: Spanish Peninsular Literature  (3 Credits)  
Varying topics in Spanish Peninsular Literature not otherwise covered by regular courses. Note: May be taken more than once, provided that the topic is different each time. Note: This course may count for the International Studies major or minor. See your INTS advisor for more information. Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101. Term offered: spring, fall. Repeatable. Max Hours: 6 hours.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 6.
Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 4411 -  Contemporary Spanish-American Novel  (3 Credits)  
The novel in Spanish America since the Second World War, the period in which the greatest number and quality of works has been produced. Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101. Cross-listed with SPAN 5411. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 4450 -  Masterpieces of Spanish-American Literature  (3 Credits)  
Focuses on a limited number of outstanding works in Spanish-American literature across the centuries. Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101. Cross-listed with SPAN 5450. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 4501 -  Borges: An Introduction to His Labyrinths  (3 Credits)  
The works of Jorge Luis Borges (short stories, essays, poetry, translations, essays anthologies, lectures) will be studied with the goals of teaching students to think globally as well as critically about literature and other cultures. Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101. Cross-listed with SPAN 5501. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 4512 -  Contemporary Argentine Short Stories  (3 Credits)  
The short stories by extraordinary Argentine writers, such as Jorges Luis Borges, Silvina Ocampo, Julio Cortazar, Griselda Gambaro, Adolfo Bioy Casares, and Manuel Muica Laineza, among others, will be studied with the goals of teaching students to think globally as well as critically about literature and other cultures. Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101. Cross-listed with SPAN 5512. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 4521 -  Mexican Literature I: pre-Columbian and Colonial  (3 Credits)  
Survey of Mexican literature and culture from pre-Columbian times to the colonial era. Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101. Note: This course may count for the International Studies major or minor. See your INTS advisor for more information. Cross-listed with SPAN 5521. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 4522 -  Mexican Literature II: 19th to 21st Centuries  (3 Credits)  
Survey of Mexican literature and culture from the early modern to contemporary literature. Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101. Cross-listed with SPAN 5522. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 4525 -  Orientalisms In The Hispanic Tradition  (3 Credits)  
Advanced studies of orientalism in the Hispanic tradition: the Hispano-Arabic cultural heritage in Early Medieval Spain and in contemporary Hispanic cultures, as well as the influence of other eastern religions and cultures, such as Judaism or Buddhism. Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101. Cross-listed with SPAN 5525. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 4541 -  Unexpected Lives: Ibero-American Queer Cinema  (3 Credits)  
Provocative films, by courageous Ibero-American filmmakers, on controversial topics (homosexuality, Lesbianism, bisexualism, transgender individuals, feminism, etc.) will be studied to teach students to think globally as well as critically about LGTBQ individuals in the context of Ibero-American cultures. Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101. Cross-listed with SPAN 5541. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 4550 -  Garcia Marquez: Words of Magic  (3 Credits)  
The works of Gabriel Garcia Marquez (stories, short novels, novels, newspaper articles, interviews, lectures) will be studied with the goals of teaching students to think globally as well as critically about literature and other cultures. Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101. Cross-listed with SPAN 5550. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 4590 -  Ibero-American Thought  (3 Credits)  
The course examines philosophical works by essayists, literary critics, and cultural thinkers from Spanish-American countries and the Iberian Peninsula. Besides reading philosophical works in their original form, students will read scholarly commentaries to deepen their understanding of those works. Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101. Cross-listed with SPAN 5590. Term offered: spring, fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 4599 -  Special Topics: Latin American Literature  (3 Credits)  
Varying topics in Latin American literature not otherwise covered by regular courses. Note: May be taken more than once, provided that the topic is different each time. Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101. Term offered: spring, fall. Repeatable. Max Hours: 6 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 6.
Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
SPAN 4600 -  Seminar in Spanish Creative Writing: Poetry and Short Fiction  (3 Credits)  
A capstone writing course. Semester writing project will be collected poems and short stories. Prereq: junior standing or higher. Cross-listed with SPAN 5600. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq: junior standing or higher
SPAN 4690 -  Methods of Teaching Modern Languages  (3 Credits)  
Studies current methods, techniques, and best practices for communicative language teaching in modern languages. Focuses on practical components such as creation of classroom materials and peer-teaching as well as linguistic theory (second language acquisition). Topics include the learning and teaching of the four skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking) and the three domains of language learning: vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Note: requirement for language majors in the teacher certification program, School of Education, CU Denver. Note: This course is taught in English and does not fulfill the foreign language proficiency requirement for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Cross-listed with MLNG 4690, MLNG 5690, LING 4690, SPAN 5690, FREN 4690, FREN 5690, GRMN 4690, GRMN 5690, CHIN 4690, CHIN 5690. Term offered: fall. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall.
SPAN 4691 -  Methods of Teaching Modern Languages II  (3 Credits)  
A continuation of Methods of Teaching Modern Languages. This second course has an emphasis on the practical component of creating effective activities for the modern language classroom within a communicative language teaching framework. Students will learn about relevant linguistic theory in second language acquisition and will focus on experiential learning, creating activities, completing individual teaching demonstrations and carrying out classroom observations. This course is taught in English and does not fulfill the foreign language proficiency requirement for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Prereq: MLNG 4690 or SPAN 4690 or FREN 4690 or GRMN 4690 or CHIN 4690. Cross-listed with LING 4691, LING 5691, MLNG 4691, MLNG 5691, SPAN 5691, FREN 4691, FREN 5691, GRMN 4691, GRMN 5691, CHIN 4691, CHIN 5691. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.
SPAN 4840 -  Independent Study: SPAN  (1-3 Credits)  
Repeatable. Department consent required. Max hours: 12 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 12.
SPAN 4880 -  Directed Research  (1-6 Credits)  
Students will engage in original research projects supervised and mentored by faculty. Students must work with faculty prior to registration to develop a proposal for their project and receive permission to take this course. Repeatable. Max Hours: 6 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 6.
SPAN 4970 -  Special Topics in Literature  (3 Credits)  
Varying topics in Hispanic literature not otherwise covered by regular courses. Note: May be taken more than once, provided that the topic is different each time. Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101. Cross-listed with SPAN 5970. Term offered: spring, fall. Repeatable. Max Hours: 9 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 9.
Prereq or Coreq: SPAN 3101
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.