2025-2026 Academic Catalog

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Law Studies Major


Please click here to see Law Studies department information.

The interdisciplinary major in Law Studies provides students with a fundamental knowledge of law and the U.S. legal system and the professional and scholarly skills needed for law school and many law-related careers. The curriculum engages a variety of critical, historical, philosophical, sociological, and other humanistic approaches, to introduce students to the major areas of law that affect life in the United States, highlighting important legal issues that influence current social, political, and economic events. Besides preparing students for legal careers in the local community, the major enables students to become familiar and fluent with a legal vocabulary and legal reasoning to be engaged and critical citizens in our constitutional republic as industry leaders or civil rights/community activists.

The Law Studies major is a pathway to graduate programs in Law (JD), Master of Legal studies (MSL), or Master of Social Science (MSS). The MSL degree is a graduate degree for people who want to study law but who do not desire to be practicing lawyers. The MSL is less expensive and easier to enroll (and involves a shorter time-commitment) and is intended to train professionals in a wide range of industries that must engage with legal questions as they navigate regulatory requirements while managing legal risk in the course of their business. The CU Denver Bachelor of Arts in Law Studies does not train students to be paralegals, but it does allow students with paralegal training to benefit from recent changes in Colorado Law (see Colo. R. Civ. P. 207.1) which allows such students to become Licensed legal paraprofessionals (LLPs) upon completion of a 4-year bachelor’s degree in law.

There are two paths to this major: the first is a traditional structure which is well suited for students who know earlier in their career path that this is the major for them or who have fewer transfer credits. The second is the cluster-based major which is well suited for students who are interested in bringing in a number of transfer credits, and in approaching the major based on clusters which can also earn certificates as they move through the major.

Program Delivery

  • This is an on-campus program.

Declaring This Major

  • Click here to go to information about declaring a major.
  • Students may choose only one of the two options (the Traditional Path or the Cluster Based Path)

Program Requirements

  1. Students must complete a minimum of 39 credit hours, including 27 upper-division (3000-level and above) credit hours, taken from the approved courses below.
  2. Students must earn a minimum grade of C (2.0) in all courses that apply to the major taken at CU Denver and must achieve a minimum cumulative major GPA of 2.0. Courses taken using P+/P/F or S/U grading cannot apply to major requirements. 
  3. Students must complete a minimum of 15 upper division (3000-level and above) credit hours with CU Denver faculty. 
  4. Students must complete one of the two paths outlined below (Traditional or Cluster-based).

Program Restrictions, Allowances and Recommendations

  1. There are two paths to this major (each requiring a minimum of 39 credits): the first is a traditional structure which is well suited for students who know earlier in their career path that this is the major for them or who have fewer transfer credits. The second is the cluster-based major which is well suited for students who are interested in bringing in a number of transfer credits, and in approaching the major based on clusters.
  2. For the cluster-based path, students must complete the required Legal Core courses (12 credits) AND two additional clusters of 12 credits each, as well as an exit course (capstone, internship or senior thesis).
    1. Completion of a cluster may result in a corresponding certificate if all certificate requirements are satisfied.
  3. With prior approval from the Law Studies director or program designee, up to 6 credits of independent study or internship from any department may be applied to law studies elective courses in the traditional path or to cluster courses in the cluster path. Substitutions to cluster courses can be made with approval of the Law Studies director or program designee.
  4. A maximum of 12 credits of independent study and/or internship approved by the Law Studies director (or designated advisor) may be applied to the major overall. 
  5. For the cluster-based path, courses may apply only in a single cluster.
  6. For the cluster-based path, not all the courses within each cluster can be from one department.
  7. Students cannot both major and minor in Law Studies.

Traditional Path

Complete the following required Legal Core courses:12
Introduction to Legal Studies
Constitutional Law I
Constitutional Law II
Legal Advocacy/Engagement
Complete two of the following Professional Skills courses:6
Negotiations and Bargaining
Legal Reasoning and Writing
Technical Writing
Argumentation and Logic
Proposal and Grant Writing
Complete a minimum of five of the following Law Studies elective courses:15
Famous U.S. Trials
Law and Society
Law and Economics
Crime, Policing, and Justice in American History
First Amendment: Theory and Context
Why Obey the Law? Introduction to Philosophy of Law
Judicial Politics
Women and the Law
Contemporary Issues in Civil Liberties
Psychology and the Law
Sociology of Law
Courts & Society
Law, Diversity and Community in United States History 1
Complete an exit course approved by the program director from either 1) a capstone course, 2) an internship, 3) an independent study, or 4) a senior thesis 3
Complete an additional exit course approved by the program director from either 1) a capstone course, 2) an internship, 3) an independent study, or 4) a senior thesis or an additional elective from the Law Studies elective list above3
Total Hours39

This course is reserved for advanced undergraduate students with permission from the instructor

Cluster Based Path

Complete the following required Legal Core courses:12
Introduction to Legal Studies
Constitutional Law I
Constitutional Law II
Legal Advocacy/Engagement
Complete two additional clusters with 12 credits each from the following cluster lists: 124
Legal Communication and Writing
Professional Skills
Law and Society
Criminology, Law, and Deviance
Law, Ethics, and Policy
Social Justice, Activism, and Law
Complete an exit course as approved by program director: Either 1) a capstone course, 2) an internship, 3) an independent study, or 4) a senior thesis3
Total Hours39

With prior approval from the Law Studies director or program designee, up to 6 credits of independent study or internship from any department may be applied to law studies elective courses in the traditional path or to cluster courses in the cluster path. Substitutions to cluster courses can be made with approval of the Law Studies director or program designee.

Legal Communication & Writing Cluster 

COMM 4255Negotiations and Bargaining3
COMM 4260Communication and Conflict3
COMM 4262Mediation3
COMM 4681Communication Issues in Trial Court Practices and Processes3
COMM/ENGL 4750/PSCI 4757Legal Reasoning and Writing3
ENGL 2070Grammar, Rhetoric and Style3
ENGL 4180Argumentation and Logic3

Professional Skills Cluster

COMM 4255Negotiations and Bargaining3
COMM 4262Mediation3
COMM/ENGL 4750/PSCI 4757Legal Reasoning and Writing3
ENGL 3154Technical Writing3
ENGL 3170Business Writing3
ENGL 4180Argumentation and Logic3
ENGL 4280Proposal and Grant Writing3
PHIL 2441Logic, Language and Scientific Reasoning3

Law & Society Cluster

COMM/HIST 3231Famous U.S. Trials3
CRJU 4430Law and Society3
ECON 4230Law and Economics3
HIST 4308Crime, Policing, and Justice in American History3
HUMN 4325First Amendment: Theory and Context3
PHIL 4242Medicine, Health Care, and Justice: Bioethics3
PHIL 4260Why Obey the Law? Introduction to Philosophy of Law3
PSCI 4494Judicial Politics3
PSCI 4827Women and the Law3
PSYC 3505Psychology and the Law3
SOCY 4700Sociology of Law3
SOCY 4740Courts & Society3
SSCI 5540Law, Diversity and Community in United States History 13

This course is reserved for advanced undergraduate students with permission from the instructor

Criminology, Law, & Deviance Cluster

CRJU 3250Violence in Society3
CRJU 4190Gender and Crime3
ECON 3300Economics of Crime and Punishment3
PSCI 4185Corruption in the U.S. and Abroad3
PSCI 4807Political Violence3
PSYC 3612Domestic Abuse3
SOCY 3490Criminology3
SOCY 2440Deviance and Social Control3
SOCY 4340Juvenile Delinquency3
SOCY 4460Hate Groups and Group Violence3
SOCY 4590Crime, Justice, and the City3
SOCY/WGST 4780Violence in Relationships3

Law, Ethics, & Policy Cluster

COMM 4680Mass Media Law And Policy3
CRJU 4440Courts and Social Policy3
HDFR 4075Family Policy & Law3
HIST 4308Crime, Policing, and Justice in American History3
PHIL 3200Justice, Freedom, and Power: Social and Political Philosophy3
PHIL 4260Why Obey the Law? Introduction to Philosophy of Law3
PSCI 3034Race, Gender, Law and Public Policy3
PSCI 4427Law, Politics and Justice3

Social Justice, Activism, & Law Cluster

COMM/HIST 3231Famous U.S. Trials3
COMM 4040Communication, Prisons, and Social Justice3
ETST 3704Culture, Racism and Alienation3
HIST 4308Crime, Policing, and Justice in American History3
PHIL 4450Punishment and Social Justice3
PSCI 3034Race, Gender, Law and Public Policy3
PSCI 4427Law, Politics and Justice3
PSCI 4827Women and the Law3
PSCI 4837Contemporary Issues in Civil Liberties3