Health and Behavioral Sciences
Chair: David Tracer
Undergraduate Program Director: Hyeyoung Oh Nelson
Program Assistant: Maria Rase
Office: North Classroom 3018
Telephone: 303-315-7157
Mailing Address:
Program in Health and Behavioral Sciences
Campus Box 188, P.O. Box 173364
Denver, CO 80217-3364
Public health is working to protect the environment, identifying sources of illness in population groups, controlling disease outbreaks, evaluating the economic impacts of changing demographics, developing interventions to promote healthy behavior, and producing health policy legislation. Public health draws from a broad array of disciplines, such as the social and behavioral sciences, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, physical therapy, business, economics, statistics, epidemiology, law and biology, and each provides unique insights for the diverse set of activities involved in public health practice.
Undergraduate Information
In response to the tremendous career and research opportunities in public health, the Department of Health and Behavioral Sciences in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS), in collaboration with the Colorado School of Public Health (CSPH), created an undergraduate major in public health. Most core classes for the public health major are team taught with one faculty member from the downtown campus (CLAS) and the other from the Anschutz campus (CSPH).
The mission of the Undergraduate Program in Public Health (BA/BS) is to prepare students with concepts, theories, and skills from social science, natural science, and public health disciplines to advance population health. We embrace a multidisciplinary approach, equip students with the capacity to respond to current and emerging issues in public health, and promote health equity, inclusivity, diversity, and social justice.
This degree is designed to accommodate as many student interests as possible. At CU Denver, we are committed to helping students develop their own individualized educational path; we strive to serve the needs of both the student who wishes to specialize in communication strategies for effective public health education campaigns, as well as the student who wants to hasten the translation of the latest bench science technologies into public health practice. To this end, the major consists of both BA and BS tracks.
Two options are available for the undergraduate major in public health: Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS). After completion of the program, students will have a broad background to serve as the foundation for a variety of career paths, such as immediate entry into public health positions, background training for a professional school (including but not limited to medical, dental, nursing, pharmacy or law school), or the pursuit of an advanced degree such as a master’s or Ph.D. in a range of social, behavioral or natural sciences.
Public Health majors can receive Latin honors if they register for a honors section of PBHL 4099 (Capstone Experience in Public Health), successfully complete the honors requirements of the course, and maintain a 3.5 overall CU GPA and 3.7 or higher PBHL major GPA at the time of graduation. Honors distinctions are awarded as follows for the degree, based on CU and major GPAs at the time of graduation:
- Cum Laude: PBHL GPA 3.70-3.79
- Magna Cum Laude: PBHL GPA 3.80-3.89
- Summa Cum Laude: PBHL GPA 3.90-4.0
Graduate Information
Please go to the Graduate catalog to read about our graduate programs.
Patrick Krueger, PhD, University of Colorado
Ronica Rooks, PhD, University of Maryland College Park
Karen Spencer, PhD, Indiana University
David P. Tracer, PhD, University of Michigan
Sara Yeatman, PhD, University of Texas Austin
Associate Professors:
Jennifer Boylan, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Assistant Professors:
Emma Bunkley, PhD, University of Arizona
Hyeyoung Nelson, PhD, University of California Los Angeles
Research and Clinical Faculty:
Jorge Ivan Ramirez, PhD, Michigan State University
Professors Emerita:
Debbi Main, PhD, University of Colorado
Jean Scandlyn, PhD, Columbia University
Faculty Affiliates:
Karen Hampanda, PhD, University of Colorado, Denver