Mentor Teacher Graduate Certificate
Teachers who mentor pre-service and novice educators are stepping into a role of emerging leadership. We want to honor their expertise, insight and experience by offering this professional learning opportunity developed specifically to help them advance their career and deepen their skills as a mentor and teacher leader. For teachers mentoring a pre-service teacher, this certificate also leads to the Colorado Department of Education Mentor Teacher Added Endorsement.
Program Overview
The Clinical Teacher Certificate consists of a series of online, flexibly-paced modules that combine into three graduate courses. The modules related to each course will be offered in specific semesters (see below) and the courses can be taken in any order. In addition, mentors come together in 2-hour monthly virtual community of practice via zoom in order to foster collaboration, strategy sharing, and problem-solving issues that arise in mentoring.
UEDU 5120 Teachers as Leaders (Summer)
UEDU 5130 Mentoring Novice Teachers (Fall)
UEDU 5140 Model and Apprenticing Effective Practice (Spring)
Lastly, those mentors who want to earn the CDE Mentor Teacher Added Endorsement must complete the 3-course certificate, attend 10 virtual community of practice sessions, and provide evidence of effective mentoring of a pre-service or alternative licensure teacher(s) for a year. The program provides the templates needed to document ongoing, effective mentoring.