Medicine (MEDS)
MEDS 8001 - Medicine AI (8 Credits)
4 wks. Max:18. This course can meet Sub-I qualifications. The sub-intern functions as an intern and is responsible for the admission, evaluation, and continuing care of patients under the supervision of a Resident and an Attending. Subinternships are offered at DHMC, P/SL, UCH, VAMC, and St. Joseph's Hospital..
Grading Basis: Medical School HP
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
MEDS 8002 - Hospital Medicine AI (8 Credits)
Experience hopitalist medicine first hand by working one-on-one with an attending and developing a quality improvement initiative. You will also gain the skills to excel from the start of intern year by being the primary provider for your patients. This Sub-I course meets the CU SOM requirement for graduation.
Grading Basis: Medical School HP
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
MEDS 8004 - Cardiology (4-8 Credits)
4 wks. Designed to offer a broad general exposure to adult cardiology, including history, physical examination, and an introduction and review of standard noninvasive testing. Rotations will be at UCH, DVAMC and DHMC with assignments based on timing of request and availability.
Grading Basis: Medical School HP
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
MEDS 8006 - Allergy/Clin Immunology (4-8 Credits)
4 wks. Max:1. Offered at UH and NJMC. Allergy and clinical immunology with direct patient contact in allergy and immunology clinics. Opportunities to participate in inpatient consultations, observe clinical immunology laboratory techniques, and library research.
Prereq: Course Director approval required to add course.
Grading Basis: Medical School HP
MEDS 8007 - Clinical Renal (4-8 Credits)
4 wks. Max:4. A four-week elective course in electrolyte, hypertensive, acute and chronic renal failure, glomerular (including diabetes) disorders, and hospital services. The students will see consults on all services, learn to maintain and analyze flow sheets, and review problems with residents and fellows.
Grading Basis: Medical School HP
MEDS 8009 - Clin Infectious Diseases (4-8 Credits)
2-4 wks. Max:4. UCH and DHMC. Hospital assigned. Hospitalized patients with a variety of infectious diseases are available for study. Diagnosis, pathophysiology, immunology, epidemiology, and management, including use of anti-microbial agents are emphasized. Students attend and participate in ward rounds and conferences.
Prereq: Completion of core requirements for 3rd year students.
Restrictions: Accept 4th year students only. Note: a 2 week elective maybe available. Student must make arrangements with Student Affairs and be pre-aprroved by Program Director before being confirmed to take elective course.
Grading Basis: Medical School HP
Repeatable. Max Credits: 16.
MEDS 8010 - Clin Gastroenterology (4-8 Credits)
4-12 wks. Max:2. Students will participate in work up of both hospitalized and ambulatory patients with gastrointestinal (GI) illnesses. Gi pathophysiology will be emphasized. Students attend weekly conferences in clinical gastroenterology, radiology and pathology. They are invited to observe procedures. Hospital is assigned.
Grading Basis: Medical School HP
Repeatable. Max Credits: 24.
MEDS 8011 - Pulmonary Medicine (4-8 Credits)
4 wks. Max: 2. UCH, DHMC, and DVAMC. This elective offers broad experience in pulmonary and critical care medicine. Students participate in consultations, attend conferences and clinics. A wide variety of pulmonary and critical care cases are seen.
Grading Basis: Medical School HP
MEDS 8012 - Clinical Rheumatology (8 Credits)
4 wks. Max:1. Students will learn how to recognize, diagnose, and treat common rheumatic disorders. Students will attend all formal teaching conferences in the Division of Rheumatology and attend 6 or more outpatient clinics each week. Prereq: Completion of all third year clerkships.
Grading Basis: Medical School HP
MEDS 8013 - Endocrinology (4-8 Credits)
2-4 wks. Max:2. Introduction to evaluation and management of endocrine disorders via outpatient clinics and inpatient consults at VAMC, DHMC, and UCH. Endocrine-focused history-taking and physical examination with a complete problem-oriented approach to patient care. Multiple conferences and close interaction with fellows and attendings.
Grading Basis: Medical School HP
Repeatable. Max Credits: 12.
MEDS 8014 - Hematology / Oncology (4-8 Credits)
2-4 wks. Max:1. Students are exposed to a wide range of patients seen in consultation for hematologic and oncologic problems. Students may also elect to attend the numerous subspecialty outpatient clinics for patients with various malignancies.
Prereq: MED, OBGYN, PED, PSCH 7000.
Grading Basis: Pass Fail with IP
Repeatable. Max Credits: 12.
MEDS 8015 - Care for the Under-served (8 Credits)
This elective is for students interested in Internal Medicine and care for under-served populations. Students will rotate in a clinic at Denver Health, the DAWN clinic (student-run clinic for under-served patients), and complete a healthcare disparities project.
Grading Basis: Pass Fail with IP
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
MEDS 8017 - Hospice/Palliative Care (4-8 Credits)
2-4 wks. Max:1. This is an introduction to hospice and palliative care. You will become a member of the interdisciplinary team at the Hospice of Saint John, focusing on the physical, social, psychological, and spiritual aspects of patient care for the terminally ill.
Requirement: Contact Dr. Youngwerth one week prior to starting via Email
Grading Basis: Medical School HP
Repeatable. Max Credits: 8.
MEDS 8018 - Advanced EKG and Cardiac Arrhythmia Fort Collins Branch (4 Credits)
This course will build on the basic EKG skills achieved during the basic science and clinical clerkship to better understand the conduction system of the heart and review the physiology behind an array of fascinating cardiac arrhythmias. Instruction will be provided through lectures and clinical sessions. Students will receive instruction on ECG interpretation, using fundamentals of cardiac electrophysiology to guide their approach. These principles will be applied as they round on the inpatient electrophysiology service and observe diagnostic and therapeutic interventions in the electrophysiology lab. We will also provide an overview of cardiac devices (pacemakers and defibrillators) by rotating through the device clinic, participate in procedures such as cardioversions, trans-esophageal ultrasounds, and loop recorder implants. This course is designed to provide a base of knowledge that will be applicable for all students, regardless of their intended clinical field of interest.
Grading Basis: Pass Fail with IP
Typically Offered: Spring.
MEDS 8019 - Geriatric Medicine Fort Collins Branch (8 Credits)
Welcome to the Geriatric Medicine elective. This course is designed to expose learners to the care of older adults across different care settings. This
course will introduce students to the complexities of medical care for older adults, including challenges that are unique to the older adult population.
Grading Basis: Pass Fail with IP
Typically Offered: Spring.
MEDS 8023 - Medicine Consult (4-8 Credits)
Medicine Consult is for students interested in learning about medical issues of surgical patients and performing general medical consultations for non-medical services. This elective will be useful to the student interested in a career in hospital medicine or surgical subspecialties. Offered for 2 or 4 weeks. Prereq: 3rd year medicine
Grading Basis: Medical School HP
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
MEDS 8025 - Medical Oncology (8-12 Credits)
4-6 wks. Max:2. Students will learn the basic aspects of medical oncology by evaluation of patients in the general oncology and subspecialty oncology clinics. They will attend the weekly multi-disciplinary tumor conferences and fellow didactic conferences.
Grading Basis: Medical School HP
Repeatable. Max Credits: 12.
MEDS 8032 - Corrections Health Care (4 Credits)
2 wks. Max:1. Provide primary care to inmates in corrections facilities. Experiences include manipulative or drug- seeking patients, the interface between health care and the legal system, and issues in correctional health care (ie., HIV, TB). Prereq: One month notice needed to schedule this elective.
Grading Basis: Medical School HP
MEDS 8034 - Critical Care St Joe's AI (8 Credits)
4 wks. Max:2. This course can meet Sub-I qualifications. Student functions as an intern-equivalent and admits patients during overnight call every third day. Student will attend daily ICU interdisciplinary rounds and enhance skills in reporting, interpreting clinical information, communication, and patient management plans. Student will present an EMB-research clinical question.
Grading Basis: Medical School HP
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
MEDS 8037 - Medical ICU Acting Internship (8 Credits)
This rotation will provide training in the care of critically ill ICU patients. Emphasized skills will include management of respiratory failure, hemodynamic instability, severe electrolyte abnormalities, gastrointestinal emergencies and common ICU procedures. Prereq: Sub I in Medicine or Surgery.
Grading Basis: Medical School HP
MEDS 8100 - MEDS Elective Away (4-8 Credits)
This Medicine elective will be held at a site in Colorado, another statue, or internationally. Students must obtain departmental approval one month prior to the start. Additionally, international sites must be preapproved by Student Affairs. Course offered 2 or 4 weeks.
Grading Basis: Pass Fail with IP
Repeatable. Max Credits: 8.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
MEDS 8600 - Research in Medicine (4-24 Credits)
2-12 wks. Course provides an opportunity for seniors to participate in research at the clinical or basic science level. The student must consult with Dr. Horwitz or Dr. Aagaard about the varieties of options available. Course is graded on a pass/fail basis only.
Restrictions: Not available sections 49-50.
Grading Basis: Pass Fail with IP
Repeatable. Max Credits: 24.
MEDS 8630 - MEDS Research Away (8-16 Credits)
This Medicine research elective will be held at a site in Colorado, another stat, or internationally. Students must obtain departmental approval one month prior to the start. Additionally, international sites must be preapproved by Student Affairs. Course offered 2, 4, 6, or 8 weeks. This course is graded on a pass/fail basis only.
Grading Basis: Pass Fail with IP
Repeatable. Max Credits: 16.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.