For information regarding Transportation, Parking, and other Maps, please visit the Facilities Management website.
Additionally, a Virtual Tour of the CU Anschutz Medical Campus is available through this site.

Click here for an interactive and mobile friendly version of the campus map.
Contact Info
Parking & Transportation
Fitzsimons Building, 1st Floor
(West side of the Food Court)
- Weekdays: 7:30AM-4:30PM
- Phone: 303-724-2555
- Fax: 303-724-0079
- After hours: 303-724-4444
Carpool Parking
University staff and students who are on the Anschutz Medical Campus may sign up for carpool parking as an alternative to regular permit parking. Two or more eligible university staff or students must enroll, and they must work or go to school on the Anschutz Medical Campus. At least two members of the carpool will be responsible for paying the fee. Failure to comply with carpool rules may result in the permit being revoked.
Bikes and Scooters
Bike racks are located near entrances to each building. Additionally, for year round convenience there are bicycle lockers available on the ground floor in the south east corner of the Henderson Parking Structure.
Throughout campus, bicycles should only be parking in the designated lockers and racks. Bicycles should not be chained or in anyway fixed to landscaping, rails, trees or light poles and are not allowed inside any building. Bicycles found in unauthorized areas will be removed and will need to be retrieved from University Police.
Scooter parking is available in designated areas across campus. Scooters should only be parked in these designated locations. Scooters should not be parked in bicycle racks. Please do not attempt to enter gated permit parking with a scooter as it may cause problems with the gate system and your parking access.
Motorcycle parking for permit holders is available in designated areas on campus. Motorcycles should only be parked in these designated locations. Please do not attempt to enter gated permit parking with a motorcycle as it may cause problems with the gate system and your parking access.
Motorcycle parking for visitors is in the designated visitor pay parking lots and the motorcycle must be accompanied by a parking receipt as proof of payment.
Visit the interactive campus map to view locations for the designated area for each of these items.
Special Events Parking & Transportation
The Parking and Transportation Services Division can provide parking for special events to be held on campus. Departments hosting these events must complete the event request through the link below. When that form is received the Coordinator will provide options for parking, if space is available. For more information, please visit the website.
It's important that departments make these arrangements before sending out invitations because the parking alternatives change from month to month. Departments will be charged for the cost of providing staffing at special events and for parking. Rates for staff will depend on the details of the event and will be discussed after the form has been submitted. To request parking or transportation for your special event, please use the EMS web portal to reserve our services.
Permit Parking
Monthly permit parking rates are based on a calendar month; part-time parking rates are also available. More information on current rates and other policies for students, staff, and faculty are available via this website.
Visitor Parking
Handicap Parking
Designated handicap parking is available in the visitor pay parking lots. Visitors must display the State of Colorado Disability Placard on their vehicle while in the visitor handicap parking areas along with parking payment receipt or the vehicle will be ticketed. Handicap parking spaces are subject to the same rate structure as indicated in the Patient and Visitor Parking online.
Patient/Visitor Parking
On the CU Anschutz Medical Campus, there are daily cash customer parking lots for CU Anschutz Medical Campus Patients and Visitors: Parking for patients or visitors is located at any parking lot signed "Patient and Visitor Parking" and at parking meters. For additional information, including current daily rates, please visit the website.
Parkmobile Pay By Phone
Using Parkmobile allows you to pay for parking, at Parkmobile enabled pay stations, by phone. When using Parkmobile you choose how long you want to park and pay for that amount of time. When the expiration time approaches, you can receive a text alert allowing you to extend your time (within the maximum time limit for the lot.) For more information please visit the Parkmobile University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus website.
Reciprocal Parking
University of Colorado faculty and staff who have a valid full time parking permit may take advantage of this reciprocal parking agreement. Valid parking permits include ones issued by UCB, UCCS, CU Denver and Auraria. This agreement applies only for travel related to the performance of official university business. You must display in your car window the official parking permit that was issued to you from your home campus. The CU reciprocal parking arrangement is valid for specific designated parking lots only and availability is based on "first-come, first-served."
For additional information about this policy, and to access respective reciprocal maps for other campuses, please visit this website.
Citations and Appeals
Any misuse or illegal alteration of parking permits or entry cards or repeated violations of any of these regulations may result in not only a citation, but also the revocation of parking privileges and/or possible criminal prosecution.
Any person receiving a university parking citation shall respond to the Parking and Transportation Services Division within 14 calendar days of the issue date to pay the fine or to initiate an appeal. Citations not paid or appealed within 14 calendar days of the issue date will be subject to additional fees. Appealing a citation will delay this fee until a decision has been made on the appeal. Payment by mail is also acceptable. Non-payment of outstanding fines may result in the loss of parking privileges and/or the immobilization or towing of the vehicle.
Vehicles illegally parked in fire lanes, driveways, access roads or "no parking" areas may be towed when necessary to provide access for emergency vehicles, construction vehicles, or to provide normal traffic flow. Driving on sidewalks or service-drives is prohibited except by service or emergency vehicles.
Illegally Parked Vehicles Subject to Tow
Vehicles illegally parked in fire lanes, driveways, access roads or "no parking" areas may be towed when necessary to provide access for emergency vehicles, construction vehicles, or to provide normal traffic flow. Driving on sidewalks or service-drives is prohibited except by service or emergency vehicles.
Citations Appeal Process
Penalty actions and citations may be appealed to the Parking Appeals Referee. Appeals must be received by the Parking Office within 14 calendar days of the issue date of the citation. Failure to meet this requirement will result in forfeiture of the appeal right. The decision of the Appeal Referee is final, and will be emailed to the appellant normally within 10 days. If the appellant does not hear from the Referee within 20 days, he/she should contact the Parking and Transportation Services Division. If the payment of the fine the Referee sets as the result of an appeal is not received by the Parking and Transportation Services Division within 10 days of the date of notification, the original fine prevails.
Tow/Immobilization of a vehicle
A vehicle parked in violation of these regulations may be towed at any time deemed necessary by the Parking and Transportation Services Division. An accumulation of more than three (3) unpaid citations or citations amounting to an unpaid dollar amount of $90.00, constitutes grounds for immobilization (booting). The vehicle will not be released until the unpaid amount has been paid. There will also be an additional boot fee of $45.00. The owner/driver of a towed vehicle will be responsible for paying the towing company's fee.
Disabled Vehicles
In the event of a mechanical failure of a vehicle, the owner or driver will be responsible for its removal as soon as available services will permit. Abandoned vehicles will be towed or impounded at the owner's expense. University facilities may not be used to store any vehicle. Exceptions to this policy may be made for those faculty and staff who are traveling on university business. Arrangements may be made by contacting the Parking and Transportation Services Division at 303-724-2555. Vehicle maintenance or repair is not permitted in campus parking facilities except for tire repairs, windshield replacement, and "jump starts".
For more information on this, please visit the website.
Campus Circulator
The Campus Circulator service provides daily intercampus transportation for patients, visitors, students, faculty and staff on campus. To request a ride on campus please call the Facilities Dispatch Center at 303-724-1777, or visit this site for additional information including hours of operation and other specifications.
Medical Campus Rail Shuttle
The CU Anschutz Medical Campus Rail Shuttle connects with the R Line at the Fitzsimons Station on north Fitzsimons Parkway. Passengers can take this FREE shuttle to campus. For information on designated bus stop locations and hours of operation, please visit this site, or call 303-726-2809.
RTD Eco Pass
Your RTD Eco Pass is not just for commuting to and from campus. You have unlimited rides on regular fixed route service provided by RTD and all RTD contractor-operated fixed route service, including bus and Light Rail. Eco Pass includes the Call-n-Ride and Airport bus and rail services. Plan your trip using the RTD Next Ride app.
Full time and part time staff and faculty on the Anschutz Medical Campus are eligible to participate in the Eco Pass program.
RTD Eco Pass: $25.00 per month
For other RTD Eco Pass plus permit parking options, visit the CU Anschutz Parking page.
The replacement fee for a lost Eco Pass is $25.00 the first time and $50.00 the second time.
Your Eco Pass does not include: Guaranteed Ride Home, Access-a-Ride, Broncos Ride, Rockies Ride, Run Ride, Buff Ride, Saturday Shopper, Senior Ride and other special event services.
Calculate how much you can save by taking public transportation instead of driving using a fuel savings calculator.
The benefits resulting from the RTD Eco pass program include:
Decreased cost to access public transportation will provide alternative methods of commuting to campus as well as providing transportation throughout the RTD service area.
Decreased on-campus parking, which will help alleviate the over-demand for limited parking resources.
Contribution toward the University Sustainable Campus goals by reducing the amount of automobile emissions from a reduced amount of personal vehicles used commuting to campus, as well as transportation throughout the RTD service area.
Increases take home salary by using pre-tax dollars instead of after-tax dollars
For more information on the RTD Eco Pass please visit RTD's Eco Pass Page.
* Reminder - degree seeking students enrolled in a degree program at the Anschutz Medical Campus already pay a mandatory student use fee for the RTD College Pass program.
CU Anschutz Medical Campus Location
CU Anschutz
Fitzsimons Building
13001 East 17th Place
Aurora, CO 80045
Directions to Campus
From Downtown Denver
- Take Colfax Avenue east for about 10 miles
- Turn left on Fitzsimons Parkway
From Denver International Airport
- Take Peña Blvd. south to I-70 and go west
- At fork, merge left onto I-225 south
- Exit Colfax Avenue
- Turn right (west) at Colfax
- Turn right on Fitzsimons Parkway
From the North
- Take I-25 south
- Exit I-70 east
- Exit I-225 south
- Exit Colfax Avenue
- Turn right (west) at Colfax
- Turn right on Fitzsimons Parkway